Course Schedule

Our Personal Training Certification course is an exciting and dynamic blending of both Live On-Line Zoom Instruction + Live In-Gym Group Practical Instruction and Coaching.

Please see below for a week by week breakdown of the class formats.

Note – there are also optional In-Gym + Zoom sesions during both Weeks 1 and 2, for those students who wish to get some additional bonus live instruction with a TNCC master trainer.

Course Materials

The following is a list of all the materials that you will receive:

  • CanFitPro PTS (3rd Ed) Textbook
  • E-learning access & completion
  • MovBetter course materials & completion
  • MovStrong course materials & completion

Intensive Certification Course (May 24 – June 9, 2024)

(Length: 3 Weeks)

Weekend One

  • May 24, 10am – 2pm (Zoom)
  • May 25, 10am – 6pm (In-Club)
  • May 25, 10am – 6pm (In-club)

Weekend TWO

  • June 1, 10am – 2pm (Zoom)
  • June 2, 10am – 2pm (In-Club)
  • June 3, 10am – 2pm (In-Club)
  • June 4 – 8th (Home Reading)

Weekend THREE

  • June 9, 10am – 1pm (Online Theory Exam)

Upon successful passing of the online theory test (80%) you will be eligible to book your private practical test.

Course Schedule (Feb 13th – Apr 28th, 2024)

(Total Contact Hr: 57.5)


Pre Course


Course Pre-Work:

  • Watch 5-min “Welcome to Your Certification Journey”
  • *2.5-hour Fitness Theory Online Course


Ch 3-5


Included w e-learning

Week 1 (Live online – 4hr)

WEEK 1 - Feb 13 & 15 (LIVE ONLINE - 4HR)
Welcome, Course Overview & Introductions
- Introductions
- Course Expectations and Agenda
- Role of a PT / Course Takeaways
- Practice active listening and understanding their why
Ch1 - Understanding Your Career, Yourself and Your Client
Overview canfitpro PTS Framework Lecture (Ch 9)
- Three Typical Client Goals
- Meet the Client Case Studies
– Videos of Xaiver, Hillary, (Zarah in development)
Ch9 - CanFitPro Personal Training Specialist Framework
Behavior Change Lecture (Ch 1-2)
- Stages of Change Group Activity (handout)
- Motivational Interviewing
- Soft Skills
- Goal setting sheet
Ch1 and 9
Workshop: Core 4
Additional Resources:
· Lecture 1
· Cardiorespiratory flashcards:
· Transtheoretical Model of Change Examples_Student
· Relationships b4 Reps – lecture
E-learning Drive
WEEK 1 - Feb 13 & 15 (LIVE ONLINE - 4HR)
Welcome, Course Overview & Introductions
- Introductions
- Course Expectations and Agenda
- Role of a PT / Course Takeaways
- Practice active listening and understanding their why
Overview canfitpro PTS Framework Lecture (Ch 9)
- Three Typical Client Goals
- Meet the Client Case Studies
– Videos of Xaiver, Hillary, (Zarah in development)
Behavior Change Lecture (Ch 1-2)
- Stages of Change Group Activity (handout)
- Motivational Interviewing
- Soft Skills
- Goal setting sheet
Workshop: Core 4
Additional Resources:
· Lecture 1
· Cardiorespiratory flashcards:
· Transtheoretical Model of Change Examples_Student
· Relationships b4 Reps – lecture
Ch1 - Understanding Your Career, Yourself and Your Client
Ch9 - CanFitPro Personal Training Specialist Framework
Ch1 and 9
E-learning Drive

Week 2 (Live online – 4hr)

*Bioenergetics & Cardiorespiratory Concepts Review
- Fitness Theory On-line Course (see links below)
- RPE, Resting HR, HRV
Ch3 & 4
Client Intake & Pre-exercise Screen (PAR-Q & Health History)
- Introduce Consultation / Intake
- Building rapport & motivational interview breakout (choose a goal)
- Goal Setting with Motivational Interviewing
(Partner Activity – Real Play)○ Lifestyle Co
Ch 10 - Client Strategy Pt I:
Passive Screening and Assessments
7 Step Consultation Booklet
Ch 9, 14
Anatomy of Training – Part 1
- Intro to Foundational Movements (videos in slides)
- *Muscle Attachment, Contraction, Action

Workshop: Correction ve Exercise & Myocompression
Ch 8
Additional Resources:
- Powerpoints: Lecture 3,4,5
- Consultation Booklet
E-learning Drive
*Bioenergetics & Cardiorespiratory Concepts Review
- Fitness Theory On-line Course (see links below)
- RPE, Resting HR, HRV
Client Intake & Pre-exercise Screen (PAR-Q & Health History)
- Introduce Consultation / Intake
- Building rapport & motivational interview breakout (choose a goal)
- Goal Setting with Motivational Interviewing
(Partner Activity – Real Play)○ Lifestyle Co
Anatomy of Training – Part 1
- Intro to Foundational Movements (videos in slides)
- *Muscle Attachment, Contraction, Action

Workshop: Correction ve Exercise & Myocompression
Additional Resources:
- Powerpoints: Lecture 3,4,5
- Consultation Booklet
Ch3 & 4
Ch 10 - Client Strategy Pt I:
Passive Screening and Assessments
7 Step Consultation Booklet
Ch 9, 14
Ch 8
E-learning Drive

Week 3 (In Person – 6hr)

Assessments & Corrective Movement Concepts
- Cardiorespiratory Assessments:
SubMax HR, Exercise HR Zones,
HR Recovery
- Cardio Activity: Heart-rate Recovery (HRR) & Step Test
- 5-Point Postural Assessment
(reference video available as student pre-work & resource)
- Intro Framework for Dynamic Assessments:
Opportunities, Possible Causes, ROM Assistance,
Improvement Techniques
(videos available in the OLS)
· Dynamic Assessments + students practice
+ debrief before next assessment
- Muscular Capacity assessments (don’t run through them)
- Muscle Strength: 10RM
- Muscle Endurance: Hang, Wall Sit & Dowel Push-up

Mobility & Stability:
- Entry Point / Work-ins
- Progressions & Regressions
- Introducing An Exercise

Assessment & Fitness Profiling 2 & Program Design 1
- Go through Courtney / Zarah case studies-> debrief,
then next partner goes through Hillary
then debrief so focused on 1 case at a time

Workshop: Assessable Warm-ups
Ch 10

HRV HRR Assessment

Ch 11 – Client Strategy Part II:
Dynamic Screening and Assessments

Ch 12

Ch 10 - 11
Additional Resources:
· Powerpoints: Lecture 6
· Passive & Dynamic Assessments Videos
· Consultation Booklet
· Case Studies Back Stories
E-learning Drive
Assessments & Corrective Movement Concepts
- Cardiorespiratory Assessments:
SubMax HR, Exercise HR Zones,
HR Recovery
- Cardio Activity: Heart-rate Recovery (HRR) & Step Test
- 5-Point Postural Assessment
(reference video available as student pre-work & resource)
- Intro Framework for Dynamic Assessments:
Opportunities, Possible Causes, ROM Assistance,
Improvement Techniques
(videos available in the OLS)
· Dynamic Assessments + students practice
+ debrief before next assessment
- Muscular Capacity assessments (don’t run through them)
- Muscle Strength: 10RM
- Muscle Endurance: Hang, Wall Sit & Dowel Push-up

Mobility & Stability:
- Entry Point / Work-ins
- Progressions & Regressions
- Introducing An Exercise

Assessment & Fitness Profiling 2 & Program Design 1
- Go through Courtney / Zarah case studies-> debrief,
then next partner goes through Hillary
then debrief so focused on 1 case at a time

Workshop: Assessable Warm-ups
Additional Resources:
· Powerpoints: Lecture 6
· Passive & Dynamic Assessments Videos
· Consultation Booklet
· Case Studies Back Stories
Ch 10

HRV HRR Assessment

Ch 11 – Client Strategy Part II:
Dynamic Screening and Assessments

Ch 12

Ch 10 - 11
E-learning Drive

Week 4 (live online – 4hr)

Periodization & Program Design
- Periodization
- Periodization Cycles & Models
- Programming Levels – Foundations, Evolution, Mastery
- Periodizing in a Client-Centric Manner (Preparedness
to Train, Flexibility, Goal/Life Event Focussed,
Behaviour Change, FITT, Explaining in Client’s Language – videos, Sales Tool)
- Program Design Principles:
- Acute Training Variables & Set Performance
- Components of a Training Program
- Daily Training Templates (Block, Linear & Wave)

Workshop: *Kettlebell Training Workshop
Multiple Chapters:
12, 13

Ch 13
Periodization & Program Design
- Periodization
- Periodization Cycles & Models
- Programming Levels – Foundations, Evolution, Mastery
- Periodizing in a Client-Centric Manner (Preparedness
to Train, Flexibility, Goal/Life Event Focussed,
Behaviour Change, FITT, Explaining in Client’s Language – videos, Sales Tool)
- Program Design Principles:
- Acute Training Variables & Set Performance
- Components of a Training Program
- Daily Training Templates (Block, Linear & Wave)

Workshop: *Kettlebell Training Workshop
Multiple Chapters:
12, 13

Ch 13

Week 5 (live online – 4hr)

Business of Personal Training (PT)
- Culture, Prospecting, Renewals & PT Opportunities
- Box, Studio & On-line Personal Training Models
- Selling is Helping
- Price presentation + activity to practice with scripts
- Overcoming objections + activity to role play
- Brand, Referrals, Marketing and Promotion
- Nurturing client’s / follow-ups
- Book the Sessions or Another Check-In
- Social Media
Industry Presenter

Ch 16
Additional Resources:
- Powerpoint(s): Lecture 7
- Consultation Booklet
- Consultation Price Presentation Script
- Overcoming Obstacles
E-learning Drive
Business of Personal Training (PT)
- Culture, Prospecting, Renewals & PT Opportunities
- Box, Studio & On-line Personal Training Models
- Selling is Helping
- Price presentation + activity to practice with scripts
- Overcoming objections + activity to role play
- Brand, Referrals, Marketing and Promotion
- Nurturing client’s / follow-ups
- Book the Sessions or Another Check-In
- Social Media
Additional Resources:
- Powerpoint(s): Lecture 7
- Consultation Booklet
- Consultation Price Presentation Script
- Overcoming Obstacles
Industry Presenter

Ch 16
E-learning Drive

Week 7 (On-line)

WEEK 7: Mar 26 & 28th (LIVE ONLINE - 4HR)
Program Design & Individualization
- Review Periodization
- Training Principles & Set Performance
- Program Design & Delivery
- Mobility & Stability Programming your
- Breakout Warm-up
- Mains, supplemental & accessories (Table 13.7)
- Breakout Mains
- Breakout Supplementals
- Grouping & Programming Movement Blocks
- Program Design & Individualization (Goal Setting & Program Delivery)
- Homework: create a Foundations (2nd day whole body) program template for Zarah
(see p.298 for an ex.)

Workshop: MovProgressions
Ch 13, 14 Appendix A & B

Periodization Worksheet

Program Design Activity: sample & fill-In worksheets
(BLOCK, LINEAR, WAVE programs)

Foundations Program Templates:
Additional Resources- Powerpoints: lecture 8 & 9
- Periodization & Case Studies
- Personalized Assessment Results Sheet
- Foundations Program Sheet
- Case Study Exam Prep
E-learning Drive
WEEK 7: Mar 26 & 28th (LIVE ONLINE - 4HR)
Program Design & Individualization
- Review Periodization
- Training Principles & Set Performance
- Program Design & Delivery
- Mobility & Stability Programming your
- Breakout Warm-up
- Mains, supplemental & accessories (Table 13.7)
- Breakout Mains
- Breakout Supplementals
- Grouping & Programming Movement Blocks
- Program Design & Individualization (Goal Setting & Program Delivery)
- Homework: create a Foundations (2nd day whole body) program template for Zarah
(see p.298 for an ex.)

Workshop: MovProgressions
Additional Resources- Powerpoints: lecture 8 & 9
- Periodization & Case Studies
- Personalized Assessment Results Sheet
- Foundations Program Sheet
- Case Study Exam Prep
Ch 13, 14 Appendix A & B

Periodization Worksheet

Program Design Activity: sample & fill-In worksheets
(BLOCK, LINEAR, WAVE programs)

Foundations Program Templates:
E-learning Drive

Week 8 (In Person – 9hr)

WEEK 8 - Apr 6th (IN PERSON - 9HR)
Session Delivery
- 5 Steps to Program Delivery
- Virtual Training Sessions
- Foundational progression & regression
- In-person 1 on 1 Practical Exam Prep
- CPR course - In Person CPR

Workshop: Functional Strength Training Progressions & Regressions
Ch 13

Foundations Program Templates
– Day 1 in manual
– Day 2 created as a group in previous slides
Additional Resources:
- Powerpoints: lecture 9
- Periodization & Programming Templates
- CPR handout
E-learning Drive
WEEK 8 - Apr 6th (IN PERSON - 9HR)
Session Delivery
- 5 Steps to Program Delivery
- Virtual Training Sessions
- Foundational progression & regression
- In-person 1 on 1 Practical Exam Prep
- CPR course - In Person CPR

Workshop: Functional Strength Training Progressions & Regressions
Additional Resources:
- Powerpoints: lecture 9
- Periodization & Programming Templates
- CPR handout
Ch 13

Foundations Program Templates
– Day 1 in manual
– Day 2 created as a group in previous slides
E-learning Drive

Week 9 (Online PTS Theory Exam Schedule – 3hr)

Theory Exam Date 1
TBD (online)
No Classes
Personal Study & Exam Prep Time
Theory Exam Date 1
No Classes
TBD (online)
Personal Study & Exam Prep Time

Week 10 (PTS Practical Exam – 1hr)

DATE: Apr 16th & 18th + Practical Exam
Practical Exams Require & Successful Theory Exam AttemptIndustry Relevant Service & Sales Seminar + Mentorship
TBD (online & in-person available)TBD
DATE: Apr 16th & 18th + Practical Exam
Practical Exams Require & Successful Theory Exam AttemptIndustry Relevant Service & Sales Seminar + Mentorship
TBD (online & in-person available)TBD

Week 11 (In Person – 8hr)

WEEK 11 - Apr 27th (IN PERSON - 4HR) - Mov Workshops
In these workshops, practitioners will leave with the confidence
to effectively coach clients towards safe and effective performance outcomes.
These workshops takes a deep dive into a system of corrective flexibility,
stability & movement progression.
Participants will learn to detect & correct inefficient movement
using easy to integrate techniques.

Overview, benefits and the science of pain, fascia,
mobility and functional movement assessment
Scope of practice and contraindications of corrective exercise
Lower movement assessments with correctives
Upper & fullbody movement assessments with correctives
1:30 – 3:30pm:
Movement assessment applications & teach backs
Movement foundations, management, cuing, biomechanics & progression
Wrap-up + Q&A
E-learning Drive
Session Objectives:
- Define & review current practice in mobility training
- Define key myofascial terminology & anatomy
- Define & practice upper and lower body ROM & movement assessments
- Apply assessments based on client goals
- Optimize nervous system act
WEEK 11 - Apr 27th (IN PERSON - 4HR) - Mov Workshops
In these workshops, practitioners will leave with the confidence
to effectively coach clients towards safe and effective performance outcomes.
These workshops takes a deep dive into a system of corrective flexibility,
stability & movement progression.
Participants will learn to detect & correct inefficient movement
using easy to integrate techniques.

Overview, benefits and the science of pain, fascia,
mobility and functional movement assessment
Scope of practice and contraindications of corrective exercise
Lower movement assessments with correctives
Upper & fullbody movement assessments with correctives
1:30 – 3:30pm:
Movement assessment applications & teach backs
Movement foundations, management, cuing, biomechanics & progression
Wrap-up + Q&A
Session Objectives:
- Define & review current practice in mobility training
- Define key myofascial terminology & anatomy
- Define & practice upper and lower body ROM & movement assessments
- Apply assessments based on client goals
- Optimize nervous system act
E-learning Drive

Week 12 (In Person – 8hr)

WEEK 11- Apr 28th (IN PERSON - 8HR) - Mov Workshops
Practitioners will learn & apply a system of progressive vector strength overload.
Participants will earn how to assess & progress strength for the Mov12,
highly transferable movement patterns.

9:00am – Introduction & Science
9:30am – Movement Prep & Assessments for
10:15am – Core Patterns
11:30am – Break*
11:40am – Lower Patterns
1:00pm – Lunch
1:30pm – Upper Patterns
2:50pm – Break
3:00 - Complex Training & Big 3 Intro
4:00pm – Programming
4:45pm – Review + Q&A
E-learning Drive
Session Objectives:
These 2hr workshops aim to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to:
- Understand the benefits and definition of functional strength training
- Understand & apply the concepts of vector variability, degrees of freedom,
myofascial fitness, loaded movement training, contractile dominance &
connective tissue dominance
- Conduct FPA testing and functional capacity assessments
- Identify and proficiently cue the 12 FPg patterns
- Apply & manage the functional progressions (FPg) model
- Program & individualize the preparation, performance
& recovery phases of the daily training template
- Create, follow, and adapt FPg training programs for low & high function populations
WEEK 11- Apr 28th (IN PERSON - 8HR) - Mov Workshops
Practitioners will learn & apply a system of progressive vector strength overload.
Participants will earn how to assess & progress strength for the Mov12,
highly transferable movement patterns.

9:00am – Introduction & Science
9:30am – Movement Prep & Assessments for
10:15am – Core Patterns
11:30am – Break*
11:40am – Lower Patterns
1:00pm – Lunch
1:30pm – Upper Patterns
2:50pm – Break
3:00 - Complex Training & Big 3 Intro
4:00pm – Programming
4:45pm – Review + Q&A
Session Objectives:
These 2hr workshops aim to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to:
- Understand the benefits and definition of functional strength training
- Understand & apply the concepts of vector variability, degrees of freedom,
myofascial fitness, loaded movement training, contractile dominance &
connective tissue dominance
- Conduct FPA testing and functional capacity assessments
- Identify and proficiently cue the 12 FPg patterns
- Apply & manage the functional progressions (FPg) model
- Program & individualize the preparation, performance
& recovery phases of the daily training template
- Create, follow, and adapt FPg training programs for low & high function populations
E-learning Drive

Contact Us

Have a question about our internationally recognized personal trainer certification course? Please send us a message using the form below.

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